Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Footnote Rn96

I find myself in the absurd situation of having to apply footnotes to the footnote.
Use of the Control f function will help.

Rn96. Russell's efforts to find a middle road between materialism and idealism began well before his temporary (?) lapse into monism.

In a paper [1] written before the Great War, Russell spoke about the relation of subject to object, which he called "acquaintance" versus the relation of object to subject, which he called "presentation." [2]
There is, to my mind, a danger that, in speaking of presentation, we may so emphasise the object as to lose sight of the subject. The result of this is either to lead to the view that there is no subject, whence we arrive at materialism; or to lead to the view that what is presented is part of the subject, whence we arrive at idealism, and should arrive at solipsism but for the most desperate contortions.

1. "Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description" first appeared in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1910-1911, and was republished in Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays (Allen and Unwin 1918).
2. That is, sRo means 's is acquainted with o' and oRs means 'o is presented to s' .

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